Lena Borise

I am a Chargée de recherches (Research Scientist) at CNRS, affiliated with the Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle at the Université Paris Cité.

Previously, I was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at HiTT, the Basque Research Group of Theoretical Linguistics at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and a Research Fellow at the Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. I got my PhD from the Department of Linguistics at Harvard University in 2019.

My research lies at the intersection of syntax and phonology, with focus on understudied languages. I am particularly interested in how prosody interacts with clause structure, and how information structure is reflected in syntax and prosody. Recently, I have also been studying the behavior of postverbal constituents in verb-final languages. I have investigated these topics in Georgian (Kartvelian), Iron Ossetic (Iranian), Udmurt and Khanty (Uralic), as well as Basque.

I am also interested in the phonetics and phonology of stress and prosodic prominence, and have worked on these topics in Georgian, Iron Ossetic, Udmurt, and the Malyja Aŭciuki dialect of Belarusian.

You can find my CV here, and get in touch with me at lnborise[at]gmail[dot]com or lena.borise[at]cnrs[dot]fr.