
Conference presentations (selected)

What governs the distribution of postverbal adverbs and PP-adverbials in flexibly verb-final languages? (with Andreas Pregla & Balázs Surányi). Workshop 'Ce qu’on a toujours mal compris… About the Interaction of Structure and Sound', 2024, Université de Lille. [slides]

The rise of a productive retracting stress pattern in athematic verbs in Belarusian. FDSL 17, 2024, Masaryk University, Brno. [handout] [conference website]

The curious case of the two-headed phrase: A generative approach to co-compounds (with Tamás Halm). ICSH 16, 2023, University of Graz. [handout] [conference website]

The role of Lowering and non-cyclic heads in Udmurt stress placement Udmurt (with Ekaterina Georgieva). NELS 53, 2023, University of Göttingen. [conference website]

Towards more flexible verb-finality via a reanalysis of prosodic structure (with Erika Asztalos, Katalin Gugán, Nikolett Mus, Andreas Schmidt & Balázs Surányi). Symposium ‘Change in syntax and phonology: the same or different?’, 2022, University of Edinburgh. [symposium website]

Towards a DM account of verbal morphophonology in Udmurt (with Ekaterina Georgieva). IMM 20, 2022, Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. [slides] [conference website]

Acoustic correlates of initial and final stress in Udmurt (with Ekaterina Georgieva). SLE 55, 2022, University of Bucharest. [slides] [conference website] First prize for the best presentation by a post-doc!

From rigid to flexible verb-finality: A prosodically motivated information-structural account of word order change (with Erika Asztalos, Katalin Gugán, Nikolett Mus, Andreas Schmidt & Balázs Surányi). ICHL 25, 2022, University of Oxford. [slides] [conference website]

Towards a DM account of verbal morphophonology in Udmurt (with Ekaterina Georgieva). SOUL 4, 2022, Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. [slides] [conference website]

A unified account of preverbal foci in the languages of the Caucasus and beyond (with Andreas Schmidt & Balázs Surányi). Theoretical Linguistics and Languages of the Caucasus, 2022, Istanbul Bilgi University. [handout] [conference website]

Mora count and the alignment of rising pitch accents in Iron Ossetic (with David Erschler). Speech Prosody 2022, University of Lisbon. [poster] [conference website]

Raised and in-situ preverbal foci: a unified prosodic account (with Andreas Schmidt & Balázs Surányi). GLOW 45, 2022, Queen Mary University of London. [poster] [conference website]

The intonational realization of stress in Udmurt (with Ekaterina Georgieva). TAI 1, 2021, University of Southern Denmark. [poster] [conference website]

φ-formation, stress, and the alignment of rising pitch accents in Iron Ossetic (with David Erschler). TAI 1, 2021, University of Southern Denmark. [poster] [conference website]

Phrasal coordination is dependent on overt conjunctions: evidence from Khanty (with Katalin É. Kiss). SinFonIJA 24, 2021, University of Novi Sad. [handout] [conference website]

The syntax of focus, wh-phrases, and neg-words in Georgian. Olinco 5, 2021, Palacký University. [slides] [conference website]

Èto – èto predikativizator: a ‘big DP’ analysis of Russian copular constructions (with Irina Burukina and Marcel den Dikken). FASL 30, 2021, MIT. [handout] [conference website]

Acoustic correlates of stress in Udmurt: inter-speaker variation and implications for stress processing (with Ekaterina Georgieva). GLOW 44, 2021. [poster] [conference website]

Verb height indeed determines prosodic phrasing: evidence from Iron Ossetic (with David Erschler). NELS 51, 2020, Université du Québec à Montréal. [poster] [conference website]

Pretonic prominence and vowel neutralization: evidence from Aŭciuki Belarusian. WCCFL 36, 2018, UCLA. [slides] [conference website]

Focus without movement: syntax-prosody interface in Georgian (with Maria Polinsky). NELS 48, 2017, University of Iceland. [handout] [conference website]

Redistribution of stress-related prominence in a Belarusian dialect. mfm 24, 2016, Manchester University. [slides] [conference website]

Prosody of focus in a language with a fixed focus position: evidence from Georgian. WCCFL 34, 2016, University of Utah. [poster]

Tagalog sluicing reanalysed. AFLA 22, 2015, McGill University. [poster] [conference website]